Under Construction

I am making the videos for this course. Look for a completed course in early August 2021.

Thank you for your interest and patience.


The secret knowledge for starting a painting

Have you ever noticed that in most art books and classes there is a Step 1?

Have you also noticed, or felt, that something is missing; that there must have been some thought that went into getting to step 1?

Well, I did, and made it a goal to find out what steps preceded Step 1.

Students in art classes frequently struggle to start their paintings, unless someone else puts a drawing on the canvas for them. But how do those persons know what to draw on the canvas? How do they make those decisions?

What IS Step 1 anyway?

Step 1 is usually the point at which you actually start to paint, and in this Guide and Questionnaire I take you through a process of connecting with your personal ideas, desires, and goals - important details that actually get you TO Step 1, with the intention of helping you get into the flow quickly and easily and stimulating your intuitive abilities.

Kim Victoria, Artist

I believe all students need to be empowered to know how to decide what the drawing on the canvas or paper should look like based on their ideas, feelings and preferences, not the teacher's. That's why I enjoy helping students connect inwardly, and pull out their innate genius as a creative being.

Kim Victoria

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