About this free guide

Artist Blocks Begone grew out of the solutions received in the advanced trainings I received, discussions with fellow professional artists, and what worked for them, students and myself.

This Guide doesn't dwell on the problem of a block (you NEVER need to know what is blocking you) but jumps right into what positive, uplifting ACTIONS you can take immediately to shift where you are and take you where you want to be. I've done them all, and I do them all.

All 7 tips work - absolutely. You don't have to think. You don't have to look for a cause. You simply start with #1 and then move on to whichever tip appeals to you intuitively, in that present moment.

I hope you find it benefits your creative process.

Kim Victoria, Artist

Kim Victoria

I lost everything in the fire that destroyed the town of Paradise, California, in 2018. But I bounced back and have a studio space and art supplies again. I have confidence about creating art and am building a new body of work.

But what about all the people who sincerely WANT to create art and don't know how or don't have the confidence they need? How do they move forward, let alone bounce back?

I taught painting in Paradise and want to teach again. I deeply care about my students. I know there is an artistic genius inside of them and want to help them bring it out, develop their confidence, and see wonderful results. Since I was able to do that in live classes there is no reason I cannot do it online.

As of this date, March 2021, I am in the development stage of a new course, which will be available here. I plan to have many unique classes and courses where I teach artists how to create THEIR art, with their desires, preferences, heart goals, stories, style, and personality.

Example Curriculum

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